Henschel Snow Blower

The snow blower, which is part of the DTMB, was formerly used by ÖBB with the company number 986.101 at the Villach train control center. The main workshop was called Knittelfeld. Equipped with a tender of the type 2 ‘2’ T 26, as in the BR 50th This got at the ÖBB the number 986 901. She was retired on 28.02.1984 and 1985 acquired by the museum.
On 19.05.1985 the Schneeschleuder in Passau was taken over by the employees of the Anschlussbahn.
The design “System Leslie (Rotary)” was adopted by Henschel slightly changed. Equipped with a standing steam engine (type Schichau), which did not serve the propulsion, but only the drive of the blast wheel. The snow blower was always pushed by a locomotive. At the snow blower stand, train drivers and train masters were deployed as specially trained personnel, who gave the locomotive driver the sliding call by means of a bell and light signal. At the same time they were responsible for the control of the side shares, the bottom bucket and for the speed. The speed could be changed from 120 to 160 rpm For the operation of the boiler, a heater with additional training was needed. Snow throwers were used from a height of 1.50 m and were able to easily remove snow up to 6 m in height.
The set in the DTMB version of the snow plow differs in so far from the usual design, as the original two-stage Knorr air pump is no longer mounted because the otherwise adjustable side chafers and the height-adjustable bottom bucket and icebreakers on this machine apparently dismantled and no longer were used. The levers necessary for the control thus also lack on the operating level of the machine.
Unlike the DR / DB version, this machine is equipped with 2 turbogenerators. A review of the electrical system on site revealed that, astonishingly, the locomotive-side generator only supplies the signal system. A 500W generator is completely oversized for the signal system.
The tender water was also heated by means of the two jet pumps, so that if necessary snow could be shoveled into the tender and the tender water could not freeze at low temperatures. The tender has a cover so that the thrown off snow does not settle on the coal stocks. The tender also served as an emergency exit.
The buffer pile (transport buffer bar 800 kg) at the front had to be dismantled before operations. The auxiliary buffer carrier weighed only 240 kg.